Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front
Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front, hosted by Simon Kardynal, is a leadership-themed podcast for emerging leaders across all professions to help navigate those intricate moments while leading from the front. In this podcast, expert guests speak about their triumphs, their mistakes, and how they have learned and grown from their experiences.
Each episode offers advice, inspiration, and practical tools to help leaders as they lead 'from the trenches'.
Throughout the series, Simon uses personal and professional experiences and connections gained through 29 plus years in the Canadian Armed Forces as a Senior Non-Commissioned Member, a Master of Arts in Leadership, and his experience within a private sector company.
Trench Leadership offers frank and honest conversations with leaders from diverse backgrounds and professions to talk about the ever-present challenges in a dynamic and ever-evolving world.
Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front
E87 – How to Hire Someone featuring Mark Herschberg
I’d like to begin this episode by acknowledging the land that I am learning and living on is the traditional unceded, un-surrendered territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg People.
How often have you met a new hire and asked yourself, “Who hired this person, and why?”
Well, I have news for you, as the leader, this will be you. You will hire people that won’t work out, and your team will question how and why you chose this person.
But, most often, it’s not your fault because new leaders very rarely, if ever, receive any type of training or education to select new hires.
And so, in this episode, you’ll hear from Mark Herschberg, chief technology officer, MIT instructor, author of The Career Toolkit: Essential Skills That No One Taught You, and creator of the Brain Bump app, who will delve into hiring methods to assess potential candidates, identifying their strengths and weaknesses to ensure the strongest team possible.
Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front is humbled to have been named #7 in the Top 20 for Best Canadian Leadership-themed podcasts for 2023.
Mark’s Episode Links:
1. https://www.linkedin.com/in/hershey/
2. https://twitter.com/CareerToolkitBk
3. https://www.facebook.com/TheCareerToolkitBook
4. https://www.instagram.com/thecareertoolkit/
5. https://www.instagram.com/CognoscoMedia
6. https://www.facebook.com/cognoscomedia
7. https://twitter.com/Cognoscomedia
8. https://www.linkedin.com/company/cognosco-media/
The Career Toolkit Website Links:
1. https://www.thecareertoolkitbook.com
2. https://www.theca
Leadership Without Passion Limits the Depth of Your Vision.
Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front is humbled to have been named #7 in the Top 20 for Best Canadian Leadership-themed podcasts for 2025.
Connect to Trench Leadership:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYnaqOp1UvqTJhATzcizowA
Trench Leadership Website: www.trenchleadership.ca
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/trench-leadership-a-podcast-from-the-front/?viewAsMember=true
Concussion Legacy Foundation Canada Website: https://www.concussionfoundation.ca
Are you looking for a podcast editor/producer? Do you enjoy the quality of the show? The editor of Trench Leadership, Jennifer Lee, is taking new clients. Reach out at https://www.itsalegitbusiness.com.
Reviews are the best way for the show to know what is working, what needs improvement, and what to talk about in the future.
If you have a topic that you're passionate to hear more about, feel free to reach out at simonk@trenchleadership.ca to connect and share your ideas.